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The demand for American military collectibles has spawned a market for replicas. Many of the collectibles are currently being reproduced by countries such as China, India and Pakistan.

The reproductions range from poor quality to excellent. The information provided here will give the collector a taste of how to distinguish real from fake. however, there is no replacement for experience in being able to detect a reproduction. Become familiarized with the item you are collecting. Go to trade shows, visit museums, look in the web, all this in an effort to learn as much as possible about the subject.

This service is provided free of charge to the visitor/enthusiast courtesy of MilitaryItems.com, a company dedicated to the preservation of military history and to providing quality military antiques and collectibles to museums, institutions and the general public.

VIETNAM WAR ERA US BUTTPACK REPRODUCTION This is a reproduction of the US Army buttpack employed during the Vietnam war. Of canvis construction.

US MARINE CORPS LARGE EGA This is a reproduction of the US Marine Corps EGA. Of high quality construction.


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