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Military antiques and collectibles have gained favor with collectors from different ages and backgrounds. The resurgence of the internet and publication of many books on the topic have also helped expand this interesting field of collecting.

This section of the website is dedicated to provide information to allow for the identification of military items from Austria. A military antiques price guide is also provided.

The information is provided courtesy of MilitaryItems.com the source for military antiques and collectibles on the web.


1. Collar tab - Burgandy background with Gold trim. Single embroidered star.

2. Collar tab - Pink background with a six pointed star.

3. Collar tab - Two color construction. White and Red. Golden six-pointed star.

4. Collar tab - Gray background with embroidered edges. Two sets of ribbons with zig zag patterns.

5. Collar tab - Burgandy background with embroidered piping. Yellow six-pointed star.

6. Collar tab - Red background with Gold piping. Gold inverse house with a Silver metal star.

7. Collar tab - Olive Drab background. Yellow triangular pattern with a six-pointed White star.

8. Collar tab - This is a tri-color shield. Two bands of Gray on top. Red and White below. Six point embroidered star.

9. Collar Tab - Shield shape. Two color construction. Top is richly embroidered gold thread. Silve, six pointed star. Purple bottom.

10. Austrian Military Police Sergean Rank - Green shield shape with an upper broad band. Thinner bottom band. Six pointed, embroidered star. Gold color piping.

11. Collar tab - Gray color background with gold piping. Two six-pointed stars placed on top. Richly embroidered.

12. Collar tab - Of cotton construction. Yellow shield shape sewn inside. Two yellow stars sewn to one side.


13. Collar tab - Dark Green background with a silver stripe above. Two six-pointed White stars placed just below the stripe.

14. Collar tab - Dark Blue background with two White stars placed on top.

15. Collar tab - Of felt construction. Red with a green tip. Golden piping. Two embroidered stars.

16. Collar tab - Light Blue background. Gold piping. Two embroidered stars placed on top.

17. Collar tab - Red background. Silver piping. Wide Silver stripe. Two embroidered stars.

18. Collar tab - Light green background. Golden structure inside. Two embroidered Silver stars. Gold piping.

19. Collar tab - Light gray nackground with three embroidered stars in a triangular pattern. Gold piping.

20. Collar tab - Dark Green background. Gold and Silver structure. Three embroidered Silver stars placed in a triangular pattern.

21. Collar tab - Silver background. Wide stripe and thin stripe placed in upper section. Three stars placed in triangular pattern.


22. Collar tab - Mustard background. Three White stars placed in a triangular pattern.

23. Collar tab - Burgandy backgorund. Golden piping. Embroidered stars placed in a triangular pattern.

24. Collar tab - Orange background. Gold piping. Embroidered stars okaced in a triangular pattern.

25. Collar tab - Purple background. Silver piping. Wide stripe in one end. Three white stars placed in a triangular pattern.

26. Collar tab - Burgandy background. Wide stripe just above a thin stripe, both of Silver color. Three stars placed in a triangular pattern.

27. Austrian Military Police Recruit - Solid Green background.

28. Austrian Air Force Branch of Service - Set of cloth wings. Silver color. Red circle in center with an upside down White triangle.

29. Austrian Pilot's Wing First Republic - Set of cloth wings. Gold color. Red circle in center. Upside down white triangle.

30. Austrian Parachutist Badge - Of metal construction. Set of paratrooper wings.

31. Austrian Bundesheer Air Force Cap Badge - Flying eagle with a wreath placed behind it.

32. WWI Austrian Merit Cross Without Crown; 4th Class - Red cross with a circle in center. Triangular ribbon.

The items listed on this page are not for sale. However, items of similar type are available for purchase at out store.

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