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WWII US Civilian Child Gas Mask - Type MA2-1-1

This is a US Civilian home front item. As issued during World War two. Gas masks were distributed among the general population because of the fear of Japan, and even Germany, being able to reach the main land. The gas mask discussed in this section is one that was issued for children.

The design was very similar to that employed for adults except that it was smaller. The main body was made from rubber. It was of a gray color. Two plastic lenses were provided. Over time the lenses turn a yellowish color. The filter is of cylindrical shape and attaches to the lower portion of the front of the mask.

This section of the website provides information that allows you to identify WWII American military collectibles. The data also includes a price guide to give you an idea of the value of the items.

The WWII US civilian gas mask for children was issued in a cardboard box. It came with a canvis carrying bag which had a shoulder strap sewn to the sides. The front of the bag has the following nomenclature stamped with black ink:

Non-combatant gas mask
Property of the US government

In addition, the logo for the US chemical corps was also stamped in the front.

The side of the filter has instructions and warnings written on black ink. The forehead of the mask has the identifier "Child" stamped.

This page is a recognition and identification guide for WWII US collectibles. Multiple detailed photos of a specific sample are provided. Descriptions point out clearly defined points that should be noted.

One of the most commonly asked questions is "How much is my WWII US collectible worth?". A price guide is included here to address this question. The value of the collectibles is reviewed over a period of several years. A trend can be observed. The present worth of US militaria in the collector's market is illustrated.

This service is provided free of charge to the visitor/enthusiast courtesy of MilitaryItems.com, a company dedicated to the preservation of military history and to providing quality military antiques and collectibles to museums, institutions and the general public.

  1. Identifying fakes and reproductions
  2. Stamps and manufacturing markings
  3. Construction materials
  4. Pins, hinges and other
  5. Perspective view
  6. Purchasing WWII collectibles

The gas mask comes with elastic straps anchored at six different points in the mask. Metal buckles are provided for adjustment purposes.

This particular gas mask is dated 1943.

The lower portion of the cardboard box reads as follows:

handle the mask, especially the eye
pieces with great care at all times so that
protection will be furnished when needed.

some of the instructions printed in the front of the cardboard box include:

This box contains one
noncombatant gas mask MA2-1-1
Size Child
The purpose of this mask is to purify
under open air conditions, air containing
irritants and poisonous gases and
smokes used as chemical warfare agents.

Do not use against amonia, carbon
monoxide, illumination gas, mine gases.
when fighting fires in closed places. in
mine rescue work , in fumigation work, in
semiclosed or closed places (tanks
etc.) containing volatile liquids in
places where large quantities of gas or
vapor have been released so as to buuild
up concentrations of one or more per
cent by volume in air, in any place where
the oxygen content is so low that
safety lamp will not burn.

The gas mask comes in an Adult Version as well as a Combat version . There was also a British civilian gas mask available.

This WWII US military collectible may be currently reproduced. It is becoming more difficult to be able to tell the fake ones from the real ones because the quality of the reproductions is improving. The collector must become familiarized with the construction style and materials employed in the manufacturing of this item. Attention to the details is critical in order to be able to determine the authenticity of the collectible.

If you have an interest is seeing other WWII US military collectibles, you can do so by going to our WWII US Military Collectibles Price Guide. Where we cover items from the Army, Navy, Army Air Force and other organizations.


The value for WWII US field gear and other military antiques and collectibles is provided as a means to educate the collector community and individuals who have a general interest on the field. The following is an estimated value. Prices may vary in every state and every country. This service is provided courtesy of MilitaryItems.com. The source for military antiques and collectibles in the web.

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Availability Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Invest Grade B B B B B

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