WWII US AAF Pilot Training Book -
This is a WWII book published by the Army Air Force for officers who just graduated from
pilot school. Very interesting comic book style. Provides a series of tips regarding
flight related topics.
After the war, these books were distributed to High schools as a means to educate students
about flight.
The title of the book is "I've got wings!". Like many other training books in the military
it was designed in the format of a comic book. This was done as to make it easier to
understand for all levels of education.
One of the topics covered in the book were "Emergency landings".
This page is a recognition and identification guide for WWII US collectibles. Multiple
detailed photos of a specific sample are provided. Descriptions point out clearly defined
points that should be noted.
One of the most commonly asked questions is "How much is my WWII US collectible worth?".
A price guide is included here to address this question. The value of the collectibles
is reviewed over a period of several years. A trend can be observed. The present worth
of US militaria in the collector's market is illustrated.
This service is provided free of charge to the visitor/enthusiast courtesy of
a company dedicated to the preservation of military history and to providing quality military
antiques and collectibles to museums, institutions and the general public.
Another topic covered in the book was "Visibility". It shows an aircraft in flight with the pilot being
able to see 5 miles in the distance. Visibility was defined as "The greatest distance at which an object
can be readily recognized with the naked eye".
This WWII US military collectible may be currently
It is becoming more difficult to be able to tell the fake ones from the real ones because
the quality of the reproductions is improving. The collector must become familiarized with
the construction style and materials employed in the manufacturing of this item.
Attention to the details is critical in order to be able to determine the authenticity of
the collectible.
If you have an interest is seeing other WWII US military collectibles, you can do so by
going to our
WWII US Military Collectibles Price Guide.
Where we cover items from the Army, Navy, Army Air Force and other organizations.